Everything that happens in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, can be documented and turned into a lesson for yourself and others. If one were to take all of their stories and write them down, one would have a rich history to pass down for generations to come. I will try to write my way through time, my lifetime. It is hit and miss but I hope that when it is all written, that at least one person can learn from the mistakes I have made. Even if it is just me. Write on!!
About Me...

- mollie.dirig
- Christian woman, married with children. Stay-at-home mom. Writer. Reader. Lover. Friend. Loyal, honest, passionate. Truth, integrity, courage. I have Jesus in my heart. I pick up litter that I find in parking lots. I take in the abandoned carts. I live in chaos but I like things to be put in their places, if they have a place to go.
Family Gatherings
The extended family got together yesterday. That was really fun. While the youngsters and my parents, aunts and uncles were outside with the egg hunt, Zack, Laura, Paul and myself were inside looking at old family photos. That was really great. I remember Zack saying he would have liked being outside with the kids, that he usually isn't into looking at pictures, but he was having fun anyway. There were some classic long-haired Dad ones, prom pictures, wedding pictures. Some of the cousins in various ages and hairstyles. Lots of pictures from up at Jellystone.
Tonight we met at Mom and Dad's (and Grandma's, as she does live there too now, upstairs). Mom and I made spaghetti stretch to feed 13, which I thought was pretty remarkable really, as I am not talented in the culinary arts. I burnt the garlic bread a little bit. Paul got on me cuz I don't use a timer. Who needs a timer? We all have noses; we can smell when it is done, right??!!? Lol. I had a chance to really snuggle with my little Dima nephew. He is so tiny! I am used to my rough and tumble 6, 7, and 9 year olds. Dmitry is 4 but he seems so small. I am amazed at how little his fingers are. And his feet. He is just so cute. He kept asking me what my name was. I would tell him and have him repeat it. Adorable. He's a sweet kid. A little hyper (is that putting it lightly, Laura??) but sweet. I can see that there is a lot of good in him. He just needs to find a way to channel it. Meghan was a little under the weather, the poor girl. Amelia ran and played with my boys, especially Nathan, who befriended her right away at church on Saturday.
Tomorrow we have plans to visit our Aunt Gayle at the nursing home.
I hope this wasn't some run-on blabble fest. Just needed to put a voice to my randomness. More tomorrow, if I remember... :)
Fave Foto Friday! My birthday week!
Crazy Daisies!!! I love these! They are prettier today than when Mom and Dad brought them over to me on Monday night. They are doing very well! The water is tinted purple. I love how they are so bright, vibrant, full of life. AH! Refreshing, you know, after all the drab and blahs of winter. Yay Spring!!
So there you have it. It seems like everyday I was getting something for my birthday. A card or two would straggle it. The flowers came all at different times. The van preceeded all. 27 is a good year to be, I guess. I was spoiled rotten!!
FFF - Beach
My first job: Library Page
I was a Page in the Children's Department at my local library. I was 15. I think I made $5.15 an hour or something rediculous like that. It was the easiest job I ever had. When people (patrons) returned their books, I would scan them back into the system, reshelve them, and straighten as I saw fit. Oh, I also had to clean the guinea pig cages. That stunk. Literally.
Stuck in an elevator with Eddie Izzard
Eddie Izzard
He's freakin hilarious!! Although, I may wet myself from laughing so hard... Can I bring an adult diaper, too?? lol
Here, have a million dollars
If I am giving away a million dollars, the recipient would be someone who is in a definant need. I am thinking about all the third world countries who do not have clean running and drinking water or toilets, sanitary waste disposal methods. How about all of the places where the natives are without shoes and clothing. What about all the babies everywhere that die from malnutrition and diseases that could be avoided. These are the people that I would be looking at. It would be a hard decision, but ultimately, I feel that I would have to split the money between those countries and people who have the greatest need. Education would be another thing I would look into. If I give all this money to people, I would want them to know how to continue on the path I have led them on, not become stagnant.