So. I blew it. I gave up. I am finished. I am not dieting anymore.
I have had it.
No, it really wasn't like that at all. I was starting to see results, I really wanted to continue... But... It is so hard to do something when the rest of your family doesn't. I only have so much willpower. I know that God uses our weaknesses to make us stronger, which really just makes me feel worse about it, like now I have truly let God down too.
I just need to try to limit what I put in this mouth of mine. More good, less bad. Drink more water - yuck! Limit the Pepsi - oh how I love it! You get my drift, I'm sure. You all know my pain.
I have started my new business. I am an independent consultant for Homemade Gourmet®. This is my personal website This company is here to help bring friends and families back to the table. I am so excited about this new chapter in my life! I have my Cook Off this Tuesday. I can't wait to see where God leads me with this venture!
We went to service tonight at the Chapel. Something my pastor, Rick Hawks, said didn't quite settle with me. As you may know, I am on medication for depression and anxiety. Mostly anxiety. He was talking about how God leads us through the storms of life, not over it, under it, around it, etc, but through it. How we as Christians (and non-Christians, too) sometimes think that we are shielded from the bad things because of our faith, that we are protected from them, when in fact God told us that we will have trials and tribulations. It is how we deal with them that should be the difference. "When I'm weak, You make me strong" as the lyrics and scripture go. He mentioned something about depression, how we are spiritually unwell... Even now as I try to type my thoughts, I am still unsettled.
Am I doing this to myself? If I were in the Word more, talking to Him, singing to Him, living with and for and through Him, would I still be plagued with this madness that pummels through my brain? Is this a consequence of some ill or rash decision that I once made?
I am unsure of myself now. I thought that I was doing alright. I don't like that I have to take a medication, but I am honest enough with myself to know that I am not perfect, that my reactions to my family, friends and life are not ideal. So I take a daily med.
Does that make me weak? It shouldn't. But at the same time, yes, I feel weak. I feel inadequate. I feel as if I am not "right" on my own, that I need something or someone to help me be "right" or "normal".
Will you pray with me?
Heaven help me. Father God, oh Abba! You know what I need. You know me, my thoughts, my going out and coming in even before I know it myself. I ask you tonight, O Lord, to show me the way You wish for me to go. Do I need this medicine? Is there another way for me to deal with this issue? What is Your will? I pray that I would hear Your message loud and clear and more than that, that I would implement whatever it is that You say. In Your Name I pray, amen.
Everything that happens in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, can be documented and turned into a lesson for yourself and others. If one were to take all of their stories and write them down, one would have a rich history to pass down for generations to come. I will try to write my way through time, my lifetime. It is hit and miss but I hope that when it is all written, that at least one person can learn from the mistakes I have made. Even if it is just me. Write on!!
About Me...

- mollie.dirig
- Christian woman, married with children. Stay-at-home mom. Writer. Reader. Lover. Friend. Loyal, honest, passionate. Truth, integrity, courage. I have Jesus in my heart. I pick up litter that I find in parking lots. I take in the abandoned carts. I live in chaos but I like things to be put in their places, if they have a place to go.
1 comment:
Hey Mols. I saw a billboard on the drive back to Virginia that said:
You'd never say, "Oh it's just cancer, snap out of it" Depression is real.
If you had cancer, would you be considering going untreated because God can heal you? Probably not....God CAN heal us alone, but I think that God is able to meet us in the middle. I think as long as you're searching for healing, He *will* heal you (in His time). God created doctors to treat us. I believe medication is necessary sometimes. . And if the medication is helping you feel better, so that you can be a better wife, a better mom, a better friend....then so be it. It doesn't mean that we go on medication and just forget about it - sure, go to God, be persistent, ask for healing. God hears our cries. . but in the meantime, I think you should use the tools He's given us while we wait and take the medicine. But don't go by what I think, or of the blanket statement that your pastor shared - go to God and listen to Him.
Prov 3:5-8 (MSG)
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all.
Run to God! Run from evil!
Your body will glow with health,
your very bones will vibrate with life!
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