I spent the majority of the day yesterday in bed with a high fever, bad headache, and nausea. I was up from dinner time until around 9:30pm, but I stayed on the couch for most of that time. I felt lousy. I laid back down in bed only to fret and fret about being too hot and too cold. Slowly but surely, my body finally gave in and I was able to sleep for a few hours. I woke up because I had a horrible pain in my eyes (and yes, that is my new phrase, btw!). I have such a fever that my eyes are hot too. Oh how they ache! Anyhow. I got up to get a drink and go potty and laid back down, only to once again, fret and fret. This time I was freezing. I turned on my heated mattress pad, snuggled deep down in my blankets, and curled in to the fetal position. So as I lay there, trying to get the perfect temperature and comfort balance, my mind is racing 100 mph. Which is amazing considering the "drunken stuper" I was in yesterday with this silly fever.
So these thoughts I have been having: What if the kids come home from school and I am passed out on the floor? Will they know what to do, whom to call, etc. What about the electric bill? Did we ever pay that? Oh, the mortgage is due too. Oh, I wish we could just get that van already. I owe Chase Bank so much money, I can't believe that they haven't sued me yet. Oh, but WHAT about the kids? I really should explain to them what to do in an emergency situation. Tomorrow, if I am thinking better, I will talk to them. What should I say? Who would they call? Xander would call Nick. I'm so glad he finally memorized that number! Aaron would call Paul, I am almost sure of it. Nathan.. Nathan wouldn't call anyone. He would be right by me freaking out. Bless his heart. Xander would too, now that I think about it. Crap. That leaves Aaron. What if Paul didn't answer? Do they know how to call 80/20? Dad gets off at 2, would they call him?? Should I tell them to go to the neighbor? Do they even know the neighbor??
Then I remembered something from my Bible Study, Self Talk, Soul Talk by Jennifer Rothschild. "It's not true... Yet." I am a worrier, as you can see from the above frenzy of thinking. But Jennifer (and the Bible) is telling us not to worry, that God will take care of tomorrow's troubles when tomorrow comes. So I told myself that it wasn't true, that I needed to stop this non-profitable monologue. Wouldn't you know, it even worked.
So, regarding the irony of fevers. They are ironic because while my insides are burning, cooking every last internal organ, my body is SO cold! I cannot get and stay comfortable. My bones hurt. Is this the flu? Isn't that when you have body aches and pains?
Everything that happens in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, can be documented and turned into a lesson for yourself and others. If one were to take all of their stories and write them down, one would have a rich history to pass down for generations to come. I will try to write my way through time, my lifetime. It is hit and miss but I hope that when it is all written, that at least one person can learn from the mistakes I have made. Even if it is just me. Write on!!
About Me...

- mollie.dirig
- Christian woman, married with children. Stay-at-home mom. Writer. Reader. Lover. Friend. Loyal, honest, passionate. Truth, integrity, courage. I have Jesus in my heart. I pick up litter that I find in parking lots. I take in the abandoned carts. I live in chaos but I like things to be put in their places, if they have a place to go.
1 comment:
ahhhh! A comment! How do I make mine work!
I think it is the flu my dear....u need some soup?
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