Yay! The party was a hit!! The birthday boy was totally surprised! Which, he explained later, was either because I hid everything very well or I didn't hide it at all, he isn't very good at noticing the obvious... Hmm... I don't know what to say to that.
Planning this party was a reach for me. I am not a planner. I do not organize things well. It was totally a last-minute thing to get everyone and everything put together. Aryan and Kirby did most of the work. The party was graciously held at their house instead of mine. Only they know what it took to get the house ready. They even bought some "30" decorations that hung from the ceiling, not the cheap-o crepe paper stuff either, nice cardboard shiny things that twirled. Nice! I had fun trying to put a "30" into Phil's glasses. Bummer they wouldn't stay there... Anyway. They picked up the cake I ordered. It was by far the ugliest thing I have ever seen, but it tasted divine! Hopefully I will remember my colors the next time the baker calls to tell me that they do not have white whipped icing. Then I will not have a brown, blue and red cake. It was awfully grotesque! Like I said, I wanted white whipped, but had them substitute chocolate since they didn't have what I ordered. Side note: The bakery lady called me Saturday morning while Paul was in the room next to me. She told me they didn't have the white whipped, would I prefer buttercream? I said, "Well, I don't prefer it, but I guess." She rattled off the list of icing options and I chose the chocolate whipped. There wasn't a mention of cake colors and it totally escaped my mind until I saw the ugly thing. At least I only paid $14.00 for it. Julie made it a point to mention that for $2.00 she could have made me a cake that looked WAY better than that. Point taken. LOL
I think everyone had a good time. I am a little concerned that my in-laws would have rather not seen my drunk friends play Rock Band, but other than that, I think everyone inv0lved was pleased with the turn out.
I learned how to play a new game and I got re-united with another. All in all, it was a blast!
Everything that happens in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, can be documented and turned into a lesson for yourself and others. If one were to take all of their stories and write them down, one would have a rich history to pass down for generations to come. I will try to write my way through time, my lifetime. It is hit and miss but I hope that when it is all written, that at least one person can learn from the mistakes I have made. Even if it is just me. Write on!!
About Me...

- mollie.dirig
- Christian woman, married with children. Stay-at-home mom. Writer. Reader. Lover. Friend. Loyal, honest, passionate. Truth, integrity, courage. I have Jesus in my heart. I pick up litter that I find in parking lots. I take in the abandoned carts. I live in chaos but I like things to be put in their places, if they have a place to go.
1 comment:
I didn't want to say the cake was ugly because I didn't know what you specified... LOL The lady should have just used good judgement.
I was wondering how much we scared Paul's parents...
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